Fratelli Tutti Study Group
Politics has been burning me out this past month. I feel a real tension in trying to meet the responsibilities I have to be an educated and informed adult while also trying to focus on the areas of my life...
Politics has been burning me out this past month. I feel a real tension in trying to meet the responsibilities I have to be an educated and informed adult while also trying to focus on the areas of my life...
I’d like to start this post with a short prayer written by Fr. Satish Joseph for the United States as a nation and for the election: Let us pray for a peaceful election day, for a peaceful reception of the...
On April 8th, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, the DDF, released a new document about the infinite dignity of the human person, Dignitas Infinita. Dominic and I wanted to cover what this document says and our reactions to...
Registration is now open for the Fratelli Tutti Workshop! This is a five-part live workshop that will be held virtually on Oct 24, Oct 31, Nov 7, Nov 14, and Nov 21 at 7:30-9:00pm (EST). Register Here! Do you want to understand...
There is a growing realization that Christians need community. As Pope Francis wrote in Fratelli Tutti: “No one can face life in isolation… We need a community that supports and helps us, in which we can help one another to...
To commemorate the tenth anniversary of Pope Francis’s election to the pontificate, we are remembering some of our favorite teaching moments from the past decade. Mike Lewis “Everyone is in need of reassurance, and if we, who have touched ‘the...
Francis of Assisi died seven hundred and ninety-six years ago yesterday (his feast day is observed the day after his death) in his hometown of long-term malaria that he probably contracted in the Holy Land or Egypt. The visit to...
It’s been two years since Pope Francis released Fratelli Tutti, his remarkable encyclical on fraternity and social friendship. When Laudato Si’ came out in 2015, I wrote “Ten Quick Takeaways” for Commonweal magazine. Now I’ve decided to do the same thing for Fratelli Tutti. Why two years late?...
The following article is the text of a presentation, titled “Rethinking Our Method: ‘Fratelli tutti’ and the need to reconsider the nature and approach of Catholic social teaching and social engagement,” given on May 12, 2022, at Forum Plus, the...
When is it good to kill another human being? The only correct answer, the one offered by the Church, is “never.” As Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for...
The story of the making of the Moundsville film on PBS, the oral history of an American post-industrial town in West Virginia– and why it doesn’t talk about Trump. The religion of the majority of Americans commands them to love their...
There has not been much progress since last Christmas in healing the injustice and suffering in our Church and our society. That is sad, but the difference this year—for me personally, anyway—is that I’m no longer surprised by the scandal,...
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