
Author: WPI Contributor

Which Pope said this?

We know that, unfortunately, sometimes Christians do not spread the fragrance of Christ, but the bad odour of their own sin. And let us never forget: sin distances us from Jesus, sin makes us become bad oil. And the devil...

Which Pope said this?

The sacrifice of our patriarch Abraham. Note that Abraham is called our patriarch, our ancestor. Antisemitism is incompatible with the thought and the sublime reality expressed in this text. It is alien to us, a movement in which we Christians...

Which Pope said this?

American generosity has made bounteous contributions to various international organs of relief. You do well to examine with what success this relief has been and is being brought to those who are really most in need. But We dare say...

Which Pope said this?

We are still overwhelmed at the thought of this tremendous ministry for which we have been chosen: as Peter, we seem to have stepped out on treacherous waters. We are battered by a strong wind. So we turn towards Christ...

Which Pope said this?

To worthily carry out this task it is necessary, Venerable Brother, that you recall and inculcate in the minds of the Faithful entrusted to you that it is characteristic of the Catholic faith to believe that the full authority and...

Which Pope said this?

If someone tells young people to ignore their history, to reject the experiences of their elders, to look down on the past and to look forward to a future that he himself holds out, doesn’t it then become easy to...

Which Pope said this?

Everyone not only has the freedom, the right, but also the obligation, to say what they think in order to promote the common good. The obligation (…) We have the obligation to speak openly, to enjoy this freedom, but without...

Which Pope said this?

[W]here joylessness reigns, where humour dies, the spirit of Jesus Christ is assuredly absent. But the reverse is also true: joy is a sign of grace. One who is cheerful from the heart … cannot be far from the God...

Which Pope said this?

Incredibly, they boldly affirm that the Roman Pontiff and all the bishops, the priests and the people conjoined with him in the unity of faith and communion fell into heresy when they approved and professed the definitions of the Ecumenical...

Which Pope said this?

The chief deceit used to conceal the new schism is the name of “Catholic.” The originators and adherents of the schism presumptuously lay claim to this name despite their condemnation by Our authority and judgment. It has always been the...

Which Pope said this?

These people cannot receive Salvation. They are closed to Salvation. (…) This is the path I must follow, not the path in which I do not listen to His voice, do not accept correction and do not trust in the...