
Where Peter Is

Pope Francis on US Election: Vote for the Lesser Evil

For the first time in almost a year, Pope Francis held a press conference aboard the papal airplane this past Friday. During the conference, he was asked to offer guidance to United States voters in the upcoming presidential election as they are “faced with a candidate who supports ending a pregnancy and another...

Which Pope said this?

We know that, unfortunately, sometimes Christians do not spread the fragrance of Christ, but the bad odour of their own sin. And let us never forget: sin distances us from Jesus, sin makes us become bad oil. And the devil – let us not forget this – the devil usually enters via the...

Catholic celebrity converts and their political agendas

This morning, Vanity Fair published a provocative and insightful article by Kathryn Joyce that delves deep into a growing trend among certain factions of American Catholicism: the embrace and celebration of high-profile right-wing converts to the faith. Joyce explores how figures like Candace Owens, JD Vance, and even potentially Jordan Peterson are becoming...

Which Pope said this?

The sacrifice of our patriarch Abraham. Note that Abraham is called our patriarch, our ancestor. Antisemitism is incompatible with the thought and the sublime reality expressed in this text. It is alien to us, a movement in which we Christians can have no part. The promise was made to Abraham and to his...

Which Pope said this?

American generosity has made bounteous contributions to various international organs of relief. You do well to examine with what success this relief has been and is being brought to those who are really most in need. But We dare say the further question has risen more than once in your minds, if not...

Find Yourself a Faith

I have little use for the British royalty.  I really don’t.  I could care less who is in line for what role, and who is feuding with whom.  It’s hard for me to believe that the British Parliament forks over more than 86 million pounds to keep the whole thing going. It’s anachronistic....

Vatican’s New Life Support Guidelines still in Line with 2007 CDF

In August 2024, the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) released a book, titled “Piccolo Lessico del Fine-Vita” (“Small Lexicon on the End of Life”). This publication aims to clarify terms and reduce misunderstandings in discussions on end-of-life care. The book covers topics such as intensive care, palliative care, euthanasia, organ transplantation, and cremation....

What the Church no longer teaches about Ephesians 5

The second reading at Mass today is from Ephesians 5, a section of St. Paul’s letter that includes this passage: “21 Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ. 22 Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is head of his wife just as Christ...