
Author: Rodrigo Guerra

Christmas and the Philosophers

It is not easy to be an atheist during Christmas. Atheism demands seriousness: if God does not exist, one must be consistent. However, the experience of living without dependence on a Creator Being—a defining characteristic of atheism—often gives rise to...

“Once Años”

Eleven years. We are just beginning to realize the great mercy that God has showed us by giving us a Universal Shepherd who invites us daily to personal conversion, to social fraternity, and towards the necessary reform of the Church....

Always with the Pope

A reflection on fidelity to the teaching of Peter’s successor in times of controversy and questioning Introduction: The pain of a father being hurt It has been very painful to witness in recent weeks numerous attacks, criticisms and suspicions against...

If You Want Peace, Defend Life

Editor’s Note: This article is a translation of a column that originally appeared on El Heraldo de Mexico on March 21, 2022.  The Roman Flavius Vegetius composed a work called “Epitoma rei militaris” around the year 390. In it, the...

Francis: A providential father

[EDITOR’S NOTE: This interview of Dr. Rodrigo Guerra by Miroslava López originally appeared in Vida Nueva Digital. This is WPI’s translation of the original Spanish. It has been translated and published with permission. —ML]   As we celebrate the eighth anniversary of the...

The fraternal heart transcends power struggles

This interview of Rodrigo Guerra by Miroslava Lopez was originally published in Spanish at Vida Nueva (link). This English translation is published with permission. The Vatican has announced a new encyclical by Pope Francis entitled Fratelli tutti, about human fraternity...