
Eleven years.

We are just beginning to realize the great mercy that God has showed us by giving us a Universal Shepherd who invites us daily to personal conversion, to social fraternity, and towards the necessary reform of the Church.

Barely do we realize that he truly believes wholeheartedly that the Holy Spirit is the One who guides and animates the Church.

Barely do we realize that Francis, like no one else, is committed to peace in the world, without violence.

Barely do we realize that he is truly the Successor of Peter, whose ministry is sustained by Mary, the servant of the servants of God – especially the most poor – a witness of the Love that has already conquered the world.

Eleven years of gratitude and amazement for a fragile man who has completely abandoned himself to follow God’s plan without fear or trembling.



Image: Vatican Media

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Rodrigo Guerra

Rodrigo Guerra López is the secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.

Originally from Mexico City, he graduated in philosophy from the Free Popular University of the State of Puebla, Mexico; he was then awarded a higher degree in university humanism from the Ibero-American University, Mexico, and a doctorate in philosophy from the International Academy of Philosophy of the Principality of Liechtenstein.

He has held the role of academic coordinator of the John Paul II Pontifical Institute in Mexico City and has served as professor of metaphysics, bioethics, and philosophy of law at the PanAmerican University, Mexico. In 2013 he held the Karol Wojtyla Memorial Lectures at the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.

From 2004 to 2007 he directed the Observatorio Socio Pastoral of the Latin American Episcopal Council. In 2008 he founded the Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada (CISAV), of which he is professor-researcher of the Division of Philosophy and member of the Consejo de Gobierno.

He is a member of the theological commission of the Latin American Episcopal Council and of the Pontifical Academy for Life, and is the author of numerous publications in the field of anthropology, bioethics, and social philosophy.

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