
Author: Tony Magliano

Migrants are not invaders

I bet there have been times that you, like me, have experienced that empty feeling that you do not belong here, that you are an unwelcomed person – persona non grata. Now magnify that feeling many times. Imagine that you...

From Crucifixion to Resurrection

Christ is risen! Truly, he is risen! Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death. We know that God has the final word. And that word is love. For “God is love” (1 Jn. 4:8). The kingdom of God which Jesus...

The Fast That Pleases God

Are you wondering what to fast from this Lent – sweets? alcohol, or just simply eating less? This kind of fasting has its place, but if you truly want to discover what fasting is especially meant to achieve, that is,...

A Christmas Message from the Heavens

On Christmas Eve, December 24, 1968, the crew of Apollo 8 entered lunar orbit and began circling the moon – the first time in history for humans to visit another world. That evening the crew’s astronauts Bill Anders, Jim Lovell...