
Author: Daniel Amiri

Father Ed: A man for God and others

What does it mean to be a Catholic man? In recent years, many podcasts, YouTube videos, articles, and books have been devoted to the subject. The number is not surprising. As many argue, the Catholic Church in the West is...

Francis the Pacifist

When is it good to kill another human being? The only correct answer, the one offered by the Church, is “never.” As Jesus said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for...

Hiring & Firing in Catholic Education

A North Carolina Catholic school fired a teacher in September 2021 after he announced on social media that he was going to be married to his male partner. A few years ago, a Catholic high school in Indianapolis was put...

Why were those words on that USCCB graphic?

Earlier this week, the USCCB tweeted a graphic featuring “seven attitudes we can all adopt as we continue our synodal journey together,” which many on social media criticized for various reasons. Some criticized its apparent “corporatese.” Others argued that the...

Synodality: A New Way of Living as a Church

On Sunday, Pope Francis opened the two-year process for the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops with a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica. The diocesan phase of the Synod is set to begin this Sunday, October 17....

The Libertarian, Anti-Vaccine Conscience

The overlap between the anti-vaccination movement and reactionary resistance to the Church’s magisterium has been well-documented. In one recent example, Janet Smith, a professor renowned for her defense of Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae, argued for Crisis that “the Church...

Blame Yourself

On Sunday, August 29th, Pope Francis provided a brief exegesis of the day’s Gospel passage from Mark, in which Jesus berated the hypocrites who “honor God with their lips” but whose hearts are far from him. For those who have...

Our Unfolding Suffering

Many Catholics today try to find solace in their suffering by imposing meaning upon their experiences. The desire to make sense of the chaos of the modern age often leads people to attempt to customize their lives and the lives...

Prayer Is a Prerequisite for Holiness

In the United States, a pervasive intellectualism continues its stranglehold on Catholics, thwarting our flourishing. Again and again, we hear the need for  “doctrinal clarity,” or about how Pope Francis is “confusing.” Many seem to believe that being clear-minded and...

The Liberating and Ever-New Path of Jesus

In this morning’s General Audience address, Pope Francis began a new catechesis series on St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians. In just a few words, he returned to some familiar themes: inculturation of the Gospel, trust, discernment, prayer, and rigidity....

Prayer Is the “Breath of Faith”

Faith is the miraculous gift of God. In faith, we are reborn. Through faith, we are sustained by God’s grace. But how do we nurture faith?  In a recent Wednesday catechesis, Pope Francis said, “We grow in faith inasmuch as...