Category: Traditionis Custodes
News and commentary on Pope Francis’s motu proprio Traditionis Custodes of July 16, 2021, which established guidelines for the celebration of Mass according to the Tridentine rite, using the Roman Missal of 1962 and abrogated Pope Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum.
Today at noon in Rome, the Vatican Press Office published a rescript confirming that dispensations from the July 16, 2021, motu proprio Traditionis Custodes are reserved to the Apostolic See. The document, published in Italian and signed by Cardinal Arthur...
It is becoming increasingly necessary for Catholics to take notice of and respond to the near-monopoly held by traditionalists on the story of the Vatican II liturgical reforms. As I noted in an article a couple of weeks ago, much...
[Updated below] We’re a little more than two weeks into 2022, and the battle for the soul of the US Church continues to escalate. Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, whose anti-vaccine activism I have written about in the past...
Following the publication of Traditionis Custodes, and now even more with the publication of the new guidelines for its implementation, Pope Francis has been accused of attacking “tradition.” For instance, Eric Sammons concluded a recent article in Crisis with the...
In case you missed it, a new document issued by Archbishop Arthur Roche, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CDW), was released Saturday, answering some dubia regarding Traditionis Custodes, Pope Francis’s July...
These days the term “gaslighting,” meaning the emotional manipulation of someone that causes them to question their sense of reality, is frequently used in the context of the news media and interpersonal and organizational dynamics. The word comes from the...
So while our own podcast has been on a bit of a hiatus for the last couple of months (but stay tuned for upcoming announcements on that front), I’ve been doing some listening to other podcasts. Here are some that I...
Six weeks ago Pope Francis issued an Apostolic Letter called “Traditionis Custodes” (“Guardians of the Tradition”). When I heard the news and read the letter, my first thought was, “thank God.” In this essay, I want to explain why, and suggest...
“It seems as though we aren’t even part of the same religion.” Sometimes saying a thing enough times does make it true, and in his public response to Traditionis Custodes in a New York Times op-ed, Michael Brendan Dougherty makes...
The dust is settling a little after Pope Francis’s Traditionis Custodes. This is not to say that the matter is over. Rather, we await the process of implementation with uncertainty about how bishops will apply the Motu proprio and how...
By the time I became a Catholic on April 4, 1999, I was already immersed in the Tridentine Mass. Also known as the Traditional Latin Mass, the Mass of St. Pius V, or the Extraordinary Form, I loved the prayers...
If you feel lost in all the discussion over what Pope Francis did with the pre-Vatican II Mass (and why), here are two helpful podcasts from America Media to help you understand what’s going on. First, Colleen Dulle puts together...
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