
Tagged: Holy Week

Assuming the Sufferings of Others

Several years ago I gave a talk about the Presentation of the Lord that included a reflection Cardinal Ratzinger. I just happened to stumble across it again yesterday and it struck me in a new way this Holy Week. Ratzinger...

Pope Francis’s plans for Holy Week 2024

After a visit in late February to Gemelli Isola Tiberina Hospital and undergoing diagnostic tests, the Vatican announced that Pope Francis was “still feeling unwell,” but planned to preside over Holy Week liturgies nevertheless. On February 29, the Pope’s schedule...

The Sufferings of Jesus Were Many

On Saturday, April 1, Pope Francis was discharged from Gemelli University Hospital after recovering from bronchitis. Then, on Sunday, he gave a beautiful homily on Palm Sunday and the suffering of Jesus. Pope Francis said there were three types of...

Freely Giving What the Lord Asks

A reflection for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion – April 10, 2022 When prayerfully reading Sacred Scripture, it’s important that we not overlook the seemingly small details, because it’s often in those small details where we find great treasures...

Filled with Amazement

I was overcome with unexpected emotion at Palm Sunday Mass this week. It has been a year since Covid-19 interrupted our lives. I thought about our family’s last Palm Sunday, when the pandemic had just begun. That day, we collected...

Exercise the Priesthood This Holy Week

Public health precautions in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic have meant that Catholics around the globe are unable to be physically present at our Holy Week and Easter liturgies. Our dismay is completely justified. A confluence of factors has...

For the Domestic Church, a Paschal Hour

This Easter, due to the suspension of parish activity in the current crisis, will be much different than any most of us have ever experienced. Without in-person access to sacramental liturgy, many families are seeking ways to pray and worship...