Tagged: Cardinal Raymond Burke
The US Papal Nuncio Christophe Pierre has been in Rome, and today Vatican News posted an interview with him about being named a cardinal, what it is like to serve as the pope’s representative in the United States, and his...
Editor’s note: In recent years, the Church’s teaching on the death penalty has been a topic of much debate among Catholics, especially in the United States where the practice is still legal. In this essay, “Capital Punishment and Magisterial Authority,”...
Back in 2014, Cardinal Walter Kasper gave a lecture across two days, February 20 and 21, for an extraordinary Consistory of Cardinals in Rome on the topic of marriage and the family. He spoke at the invitation of Pope Francis....
Typically I don’t post close to midnight just to share a four-year-old article I found, but typically I don’t read articles that are so clear and well-reasoned and strong in their argumentation that I almost become jealous of the author...
Today, Catholic social media unleashed a fury of reactions to the revelation that Pope Francis had indicated support for the idea of same-sex civil unions in a clip from “Francesco,” an upcoming feature-length documentary by filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky. It’s hard...
Dan Amiri and I continue our conversation with philosophy professor Rodrigo Guerra, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life and the founder of the Center for Advanced Social research in Mexico. In this discussion, Rodrigo sheds some light on...
In Episode 6 of Peter’s Field Hospital, Paul Fahey, DW Lafferty, and I discuss the troubling, paranoid letter composed by Archbishop Vigano and signed by a number of other bishops and cardinals. We go on to discuss the origins of...
Book review of Pope Francis and His Battle to Reform the Church Christopher Lamb Orbis Books Of all the books I’ve read about the Francis pontificate — for, against or neutral — Christopher Lamb’s latest contribution was certainly the...
Cardinal Raymond Burke, the titular head of the online resistance to Pope Francis, has given an interview about Querida Amazonia. It contains several eyebrow-raising lines, but what really stands out is his denial of Christ’s presence in creation. His eminence...
In a recent interview with the National Catholic Register, Cardinal Raymond Burke once again criticizes an apostolic exhortation from Pope Francis. Querida Amazonia, the result of the most recent synod on the Amazon, summarizes Pope Francis’s vision of the Amazonian...
Douthat: Isn’t that a deep contradiction of how Catholics think about the office of the papacy? Burke: Of course. Exactly. It’s a total contradiction. And I pray that this wouldn’t happen. And to be honest with you, I don’t know...
In my spiritual formation as a young adult, the idea of a future schism–refusing to submit to the teaching of the pope–was presented as a “liberal” concept. The idea was that in the name of progress, some Catholics rejected papal...
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