But migrations, by bringing together people belonging to diverse religions during daily coexistence, made this sense of belonging one of the elements of social diversification. The countries that, in this sector, experienced the most delicate changes are, without a doubt, the Western countries, of a Christian majority. In some of them, the plurality of religions is not only widespread, but deeply rooted, because the migratory flow has been present for quite some time. Some governments have already conceded to the most consistent religious groups the status of recognized religion, with the benefits that this entails regarding protection, competence, freedom of action and economical support for religious and social initiatives.
The Church, by recognizing freedom of religion to all human beings, is favorable to such legislation. By nourishing esteem and respect for the adherents of various religions, she wishes to establish with them relationships of effective cooperation and, in a climate of trust and dialogue, she wishes to cooperate towards a solution of the emerging problems of modern society.
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