
Tagged: Peter Kwasniewski

Vincible ignorance begets invincible ignorance

“Conscience frequently errs from invincible ignorance without losing its dignity. The same cannot be said for a man who cares but little for truth and goodness, or for a conscience which by degrees grows practically sightless as a result of...

Traditionalist flights of fancy

There’s something in human nature that motivates us to imagine ways of getting out of impossible binds, solving the unsolvable, or that allow us to go back in time to undo the undesirable situations where we find ourselves. When we...

Trad “resistance” is old-fashioned dissent

On Friday, Crisis Magazine released a new podcast episode entitled, “How to Properly Understand the Role of the Papacy,” in which editor and host Eric Sammons discussed papal authority with Peter Kwasniewski, a traditionalist author and speaker who has recently...

Peterism, Ultramontanism, and Protestantism

Traditionalists are perhaps best known for their preference for a particular kind of liturgy. Within the traditionalist movement, however, a radical contingent is building a parallel church. The parallel church of radical traditionalism promotes an ideology that rejects the leadership...