Humanitarian crisis at the Texas-Mexico border
Texas bishops respond to “horrific tragedies occurring along the Rio Grande on the Texas/Mexico border.”
Texas bishops respond to “horrific tragedies occurring along the Rio Grande on the Texas/Mexico border.”
Mira il tuo popolo, bella Signora, che pien di giubilo oggi ti onora; anch’io festevole, corro ai tuoi piè. O Santa Vergine, prega per me. I spent about half of May traveling in the Central Mediterranean, the part of the...
A reflection on the Mass Readings for July 17, 2022, the 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time. Over the last 25 years I have travelled to many countries and places. I am always struck by the hospitality of people around the world....
Pope Francis’s trip to Greece and Cyprus included a Sunday visit to the island of Lesbos to visit refugees and migrants at the the reception and identification center in Mytilene. This was his second trip to the site in five...
I’m not sure how to begin an essay like this because it’s a genre of writing that I have not really done for Where Peter Is before. This site features everything from personal reflection to theological disputation, but blind rage...
In recent years, Americans have experienced a significant surge in anti-immigration rhetoric. This rhetoric has been targeted at people from Muslim nations and from south of our border. For the latter category especially, the rhetoric has often dehumanized migrants from...
I don’t think Pope Francis is recognized enough for his skill as a theologian. It is the Pope Emeritus who is, rightly, widely recognized as possessing a brilliant theological mind. Francis, on the other hand, is seen as the great...
A reflection on the Sunday readings for October 25, 2020 When couples approach me for marriage preparation, they must complete a pre-nuptial inventory form. One part of the inventory concerns the couple’s “spiritual assessment.” Among the questions in this segment is...
Pope Francis has left us a fairly extensive body of writings, speeches, and homilies to pore over and learn from, but so far seems to be promulgating encyclicals at a slower rate than either of his two previous predecessors. In...
“Our defence of the innocent unborn, for example, needs to be clear, firm and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a human life, which is always sacred and demands love for each person, regardless of his or her...
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