
Tagged: joy

WPI at 5: With Joy and Gratitude

Earlier today, Pope Francis celebrated Mass for over one million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In his homily, he returned to the theme of peace over violence that has thus far characterized this pilgrimage. In her report for...

Rejoice! The Lord Is Near

A reflection on the readings for the Third Sunday of Advent — December 12, 2021  Imagine, for a moment, that you are unjustly imprisoned, far from home, and prevented from doing the work to which you were called. But during...

“With him, life begins anew”

In his Easter Vigil homily tonight at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Pope Francis once again emphasized the theme of amazement that has characterized Holy Week this year. He describes the amazement of the women who discovered the empty tomb...

Don’t Kill Their Joy

Pope Francis often makes a clear distinction between what he sees as a cold recitation of the Church’s doctrine and a vibrant encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. One of the clearest statements along these lines was in Amoris...

The Joy of Holiness

Does God want us to be happy? Does God want us to feel happy? To answer the question, first let’s take a look at Scripture. Father Lawrence Boadt, in his book Reading the Old Testament, shows how the biblical texts,...

Exile and exultation

The Pope’s new exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate – or, in English, “Rejoice and Be Glad” – is a delight from beginning to end. The name recalls the pastoral document from Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes – in English, “Joy and...