
Tagged: General Audience

Alliance of the generations

Today’s General Audience address by Pope Francis brought tears to my eyes. It was the second installment of his Catechesis on Old Age. The title of this week’s teaching was “Longevity: symbol and opportunity,” and he spoke about why he...

Saint Joseph, a model of fatherhood

During today’s General Audience address, Pope Francis spoke about St. Joseph’s role as the legally-recognized father of Jesus. He speaks about how the Gospel writers handled his status—Matthew and Luke refer to him as the “foster father” of Jesus, Luke...

Being angry with God is a way to pray too

I found comfort in this. From today’s general audience… Pope Francis discusses what we must do when we find it difficult to pray. One must learn to go forward always. True progress in the spiritual life does not consist in...

Mary shows us how God takes the reins

Mary did not autonomously conduct her life: she waits for God to take the reins of her path and guide her where He wants. She is docile, and with her availability she prepares the grand events in which God takes...

We must let ourselves be evangelized

“Jesus’ followers recognize themselves by their closeness to the poor, the little ones, the sick and the imprisoned, the excluded and the forgotten, those without food and clothing.” — Pope Francis General Audience August 19, 2020 In his General Audience...

The Sacred Heart and Prayers for Priests

“The solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: a feast so dear to the Christian people. I invite you to discover the riches that are hidden in the Heart of Jesus, to learn to love your neighbor. I address my...

Wednesdays with Pope Francis: The Church

In this catechesis series, Pope Francis teaches us about the Church. This is the third course in the “Wednesdays with Pope Francis” series. The first course was on the sacraments. The second course was on the gifts of the Holy...