
Tagged: Dawn Eden Goldstein

Defamed by “The Global Catholic Network”

[Editor’s note: Where Peter Is is committed to providing faithful, challenging, and thought-provoking content while defending the integrity of Catholic teaching and tradition. The following account by Dawn Eden Goldstein illustrates a common experience for our writers, who are often...

“Father Ed” Wins Christopher Award

In the program’s 74th year, the Christopher Awards have once honored various books, TV shows, and movies. The Christopher Awards celebrate writers, producers, directors, authors, and illustrators whose work ‘affirms the highest values of the human spirit’ and reflects the...

Father Ed: A man for God and others

What does it mean to be a Catholic man? In recent years, many podcasts, YouTube videos, articles, and books have been devoted to the subject. The number is not surprising. As many argue, the Catholic Church in the West is...

The Archbishop Doth Protest too Much

On Thursday, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) published an unattributed defense of Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput, arguing that he did not endorse the ‘testimony’ of Archbishop Carlo Viganò, and that Chaput was a supporter of the Holy Father. In his...

Book Review: Sunday Will Never Be the Same

Dawn Eden Goldstein’s new book, Sunday Will Never Be the Same, is a captivating work of storytelling, but you would miss the point if you thought it was just her story. Sure, Goldstein recounts her life’s trajectory with evocative vignettes....