
Tagged: tradition

Lent, Fasting, and Tradition

Anthony (not his real game) was the fifth child in a family of seven kids, with the eighth on the way. He was extroverted, bright, and imaginative. At “meet the teacher night,” his mother warned me that this second grader...

Tradition gone haywire?

In the third and last installment of my three-part interview with Dominic de Souza for Smart Catholics about my book “Heresy Disguised as Tradition”, we explore how a proper understanding of Tradition can help us avoid a haywire (and erroneous) interpretation...

New Debrief: Tradition, Schism, and Cardinal Burke

  In the latest Debrief, Dominic and I discuss the competing understandings of “tradition” in the Catholic Church today. Beginning with a discussion of Ratzinger’s dynamic understanding, they explore how ideologies undermine the faith and foment schism, as exemplified by...