
Tagged: synodality

Pope Francis’s Academy for Life

“The path to peace does not mean making society blandly uniform, but getting people to work together, side-by-side, in pursuing goals that benefit everyone. … The path to social unity always entails acknowledging the possibility that others have, at least...

A bit of a breather

You may have noticed that the flow of content on WPI has slowed down a bit in recent days. Adter keeping up with all the activity during the October Synod and a November filled with big stories in the Catholic...

Strickland, Voris, and Burke: The November Three

November 2023 was a dispiriting month for the reactionary wing of the US Catholic Church. In the span of a few weeks, following closely on the heels of October’s historic Synodal Assembly, three prominent American figures — Bishop Joseph Strickland,...

Synodality, the US Church, and Angels Unawares

Due to the drama following Bishop Joseph Strickland’s removal last weekend, I haven’t had much time to cover the Fall General Assembly of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops this week in Baltimore, but there were a few highlights that...

A call for a synodal Eucharistic Revival

The National Eucharistic Revival has entered its pilgrimage phase. According to the official timeline, the pilgrimage culminates in July 2024 at the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis followed by a year of mission that extends to Pentecost 2025. Bishop Andrew Cozzens...

WPI Perspectives: Dr. Phyllis Zagano

Here’s the audio version. We had a glitch with the video, which will hopefully be fixed shortly: Where Peter Is · WPI Perspectives With Phyllis Zagano   In the latest episode of WPI Perspectives, I enjoyed having the chance to...

Season 4 Wrap Up

It’s been a great season of PFG with some amazing guests! In this last episode, Dominic and I wrap up the summer by reflecting back on some of the ideas and conversations from this season that have stuck with us....

Cooperative Salvation

As St. Augustine, whose feast day the Church observed yesterday, famously said, “He who created us without our help will not save us without our consent.” From the very moment we begin to freely choose ourselves, sin, and the world...