
Tagged: Populism

The Great Reset Is Good, Actually

In recent months we’ve heard dramatic warnings from figures in Catholic media regarding an alleged plan for post-COVID global change called “the Great Reset.” Some of these warnings are based upon reasonable concerns, while others are examples of outright conspiracy-mongering....

The X-Men and Combating the Culture of Hate

When I was growing up in the 1990s, it seemed like nearly every Marvel character had a television cartoon. I remember watching Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, and Iron-Man on Saturdays. Similarly, the DC superhero shows, including the venerable Batman: The Animated...

Lights and Shadows

Lights and Shadows in Church History

The Rise of Historical Absolutism The New York Times recently profiled Susanna Ceccardi, the new right-wing populist mayor of a previously left-wing town in central Italy, as part of a series on the rise of populist politics in Europe. Much...