
Tagged: crucifixion

hope in the crucifixion

Hope Never Disappoints

In his Wednesday General Audience today, April 5, Pope Francis spoke of the hope that arises from the cross, which is a true paradox. He began by asking “Where is your hope?” Do we, accordingly, place it rightly in Christ?...

The Sufferings of Jesus Were Many

On Saturday, April 1, Pope Francis was discharged from Gemelli University Hospital after recovering from bronchitis. Then, on Sunday, he gave a beautiful homily on Palm Sunday and the suffering of Jesus. Pope Francis said there were three types of...

“It is finished”

“Jesus was lifted high on the cross in order to descend to the abyss of our suffering. He experienced our deepest sorrows: failure, loss of everything, betrayal by a friend, even abandonment by God. By experiencing in the flesh our...

The Sorrowful Mysteries with Pope Francis

The Sorrowful Mysteries with Pope Francis

The Sorrowful Mysteries 1 – Jesus is praying in the garden at Gethsemane From General Audience (May 25, 2016): Assailed by looming anguish, Jesus prays to the Father to deliver him of this bitter cup of the Passion, but his prayer...