
Author: Fr. Francis Afu

Love is the Greatest Commandment

Reflection on the readings of October 29, 2023, the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Friends, in the past couple of years, Catholic media has been agog with anything newsworthy about Pope Francis. Some have reported correctly and have sought to...

Jesus is Lord

A reflection on the readings of Sunday, August 27, 2023 — The 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time Friends, Jesus is Lord. What an audacious statement to make in Caesarea Philippi! A city known for its temple to the Pan God and...

It Isn’t About Perfection

Friends, how desperately we often want perfection! We want our looks, our lives, reputations, children, friends, Church, and jobs to be so perfect that we are caught up in the pursuit of perfection and not God. Could this be the...

The God Who Abandons Us

“The God who is with us, is the God who abandons us.” These words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer are so ironic. The God who is with us, who stands in solidarity with our human realities of pain and suffering, is the...