
Tagged: catechesis

The Apostolic Zeal of Pope Francis

A few items of interest today. The first is that I was quoted in a Washington Post article yesterday by Chico Harlan and Stefano Pitrelli about the continuing opposition to Pope Francis from within the Church. Published under the headline...

Prayer Is a Prerequisite for Holiness

In the United States, a pervasive intellectualism continues its stranglehold on Catholics, thwarting our flourishing. Again and again, we hear the need for  “doctrinal clarity,” or about how Pope Francis is “confusing.” Many seem to believe that being clear-minded and...

Prayer Is the “Breath of Faith”

Faith is the miraculous gift of God. In faith, we are reborn. Through faith, we are sustained by God’s grace. But how do we nurture faith?  In a recent Wednesday catechesis, Pope Francis said, “We grow in faith inasmuch as...

When catechesis fails young Catholics

The Church often asks, “Why are young people leaving?” But it usually comes up with the wrong answers. “They left because they did not take the trouble to learn about their faith,” or, “secular society drew them away.” However, one...