
I first met Monica in 2017. At the time I was the Director of Religious Education at my parish and I attended a retreat for catechists and DREs that my diocese was hosting. The retreat was called Kerygma Encounter. Monica was one of the presenters and writers of the retreat. I can honestly say that this retreat changed everything about Catholicism for me.

About a year later I signed up to be formed as a presenter for the Kerygma Encounter retreats. Monica and I became friends and ministry partners from that point on. Her and I have led dozens of retreats together, for thousands of people across the country.

A few months ago the Lord put it on our hearts to write a new kerygma retreat. As we started praying and writing this retreat it became clear that this new retreat needed to be, at its heart, focused on the Eucharistic Liturgy. And that’s what we talked about in this episode: how to understand and experience the Eucharistic Liturgy as an encounter with God’s goodness and his desire to give me a share in his divine life.

I was so happy to have Monica on the show. I hope you enjoy it!

This episode is available on Youtube and in your favorite podcast app.

This week, Paul had a conversation with his friend and ministry partner, Monica Pope, about kerygmatic catechesis. They recently wrote a new retreat about the kerygma and the Eucharistic Liturgy called, “Destined.” They begin the episode discussing the kerygma, that is, the proclamation of God’s goodness and desire to give us all a share in his divine life. They talk about what makes kerygmatic catechesis different from the catechesis so many Catholics have experienced. They also talk specifically about how to understand and experience the Eucharistic Liturgy in light of the kerygma.

Monica Pope has been doing evangelizing catechesis for 30 years in the Catholic Church. She has worked in Michigan parishes as Director of Catechesis, RCIA leader, and Director of Discipleship Ministries. Monica has created family catechesis programs in several parishes; she’s formed many dedicated and gifted Catholic disciples to be effective catechists. She’s written and led hundreds of retreats, presented for thousands of people, ranging from First Communicants and their parents, to senior residents at assisted living facilities, to employees of diocesan chancelleries.

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Check out Destined: a Kerygma Retreat:

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Paul Faheylives in Michigan with his wife and five kids. He is a limited licensed professional counselor, retreat leader, and catechist. He is a co-founder of Where Peter Is, founder and co-host of the Pope Francis Generation podcast, and the host of the Third Space podcast. He seeks to provide pastoral counseling for Catholics who have been spiritually abused, counseling for Catholic ministers, and counseling education so that ministers are more equipped to help others in their ministry.

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