
Smart Catholics and Where Peter Is are collaborating to offer a two hour live conference to celebrate the pope’s upcoming encyclical on human fraternity, Fratelli Tutti. Join us this Sunday, October 4th, 5:00-7:00pm EST.

We will be having two live panel discussions, hosted by Mike Lewis, covering major themes of Francis’s new encyclical and his approach to human fraternity throughout his pontificate. A live Q&A will follow each panel discussion.

The topic of the first hour will be “Pope Francis and Economic Justice.” Dan Amiri and Pedro Gabriel will discuss how Fratelli Tutti fits into the wider tradition of Catholic Social Teaching and what Francis wants to say to a post-pandemic world, including in his recent Wednesday Audiences covering the major themes of Catholic Social Teaching.

The second panel is “Pope Francis and Ecumenism.” Here David Lafferty and Adam Rasmussen will discuss the pope’s vision of fraternity and social friendship between people from different religious traditions, especially in light of the 2019 document on Human Fraternity,  in the context of the teaching of Vatican II, and what this document means for the Church going forward.

As with Pope Francis’s previous documents, there will likely be a great number of hastily-written headlines and misinformation about this document. We believe that the Holy Spirit wants to speak to the Church through this new encyclical so we invite you to take part in this inaugural discussion of its message.

We hope this first look will help Catholics understand Fratelli Tutti in the context of our Tradition and facilitate its reception in the minds and hearts of the faithful.

We plan to reconvene for a larger “Pope Francis Summit” on the weekend of November 7-8. We will invite speakers from all over the world to share their insights on Fratelli Tutti and the message of our Holy Father.

Register here for this Sunday’s event. We hope you’ll join us!Register Now

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Paul Faheylives in Michigan with his wife and five kids. He is a limited licensed professional counselor, retreat leader, and catechist. He is a co-founder of Where Peter Is, founder and co-host of the Pope Francis Generation podcast, and the host of the Third Space podcast. He seeks to provide pastoral counseling for Catholics who have been spiritually abused, counseling for Catholic ministers, and counseling education so that ministers are more equipped to help others in their ministry.

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