
The Apostolic concern leading Us to carefully survey the signs of the times and to make every effort to adapt the means and methods of the holy apostolate to the changing circumstances and need of our day, impels Us to establish even closer ties with the bishops in order to strengthen Our union with them whom the Holy Spirit has placed to rule the Church of God.


Its proper name will be the Synod of Bishops. This Synod, which, like all human institutions, can be improved upon with the passing of time, is to be governed by the following regulations:


The Synod of Bishops has, of its very nature, the function of providing information and offering advice. It can also enjoy the power of making decisions when such power is conferred upon it by the Roman Pontiff; in this case, it belongs to him to ratify the decisions of the Synod.

1. The general purpose of the Synod are:

a) to promote a closer union and greater cooperation between the Supreme Pontiff and the bishops of the whole world;

b) to see to it that accurate and direct information is supplied on matters and situations that bear upon the internal life of the Church and upon the kind of action that should be carrying on in today’s world;

c) to facilitate agreement, at least on essential matters of doctrine and on the course of action to be taken in the life of the Church.

(scroll down for answer)



Pope St. Paul VI

Apostolica Sollicitudo

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