Now then, we have decreed that no Christian should compel those who are unwilling and refusing to come to baptism. If, however, any of the Jews flee to the Christians for the sake of the faith, once his will has been made manifest, let him be made a Christian without calumny. Truly no one who is known to have come to Christian baptism not voluntarily but under duress, is believed to hold the true faith of Christianity.
Also, no Christian should dare without the sanction of the secular power to wound or kill Jews or take their money or alter the good customs which they have hitherto had in the region where they were living before. In particular, during the celebration of their festivals, no one may in any way harass them with clubs and stones nor may anyone demand forced service from them except for those services which they used to do in the aforesaid time.
In addition to these things, since we oppose the wickedness and iniquity of evil men, we decree that no one should dare deface or usurp the Jewish cemetery or pay to have the human bodies exhumed.
If someone, knowing the tenor of this decree, should boldly presume to go against it, he may jeopardize his honor and office or be punished with the sentence of excommunication, unless he corrects his presumption with due satisfaction.
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