
Tagged: salvation

The Golden Nights of the O Antiphons, Part I

[Author’s note: This piece explores, through the lens of my own experience, humanity’s need for salvation, with all our impulse to creativity and self-determining possibility for good or for ill. The piece requires patience, as it is not until the...

Salvation in Imperfection

There are, in every parish, those who can be relied upon to be always late for Mass. They are sometimes referred to as the “Gloria crowd.” My deacon in one parish was a retired military man, whose adulation for the...

Salvation for all

A reflection on the Mass Readings for August 21, 2022, the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. Audio of Homily will be posted here. Today, I would like to reflect on the same question that the disciples asked Jesus, “Will only a...


WPI contributor Paul Fahey and SmartCatholics founder Dominic DeSouza have a new episode of “Pope Francis Generation” out this week in which they talk about hell. They discuss Church teaching, debates surrounding the theory of universalism, and how a Catholic...

Universalism and Hell

Where Peter Is · Universalism And Hell in Catholic Theology When Pope Francis said last year, “The good Lord will save everyone,” not many Catholics seemed to notice, despite the enormity of the statement. Perhaps after nine years we have...

Sacramental Validity and Scrupulosity

The abbot dipped his right thumb in the chrism and made the sign of the cross on my forehead, He said, “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.” I responded, “Amen.” The abbot then said, “Peace be with...

How non-Christians can be saved

My previous two posts were historical-theological prolegomena to my main question, which is how non-Christians today can be saved even though they don’t believe in Jesus Christ. (This will lead to my fourth and final post on the question of...

Who will be saved?

For as long as we Christians have been doing theology, that is, seeking to understand our faith, we have been asking questions about salvation. How are we saved? From what do we need to be saved? Who will be saved?...