
Author: Fr. Bernardo Lara

God sends us forth

There is a popular story that I’ve seen on the internet, shared by email and posted on blogs and social media. It’s a story that speaks about practicing what one preaches. I am not sure whether it is factual or...

Created for Communion

A reflection on the readings for June 9, 2024 On September 19, 1985, at around 7 a.m., Mexico City and its surrounding area suffered one of the largest earthquakes in its history, registering 8.1 on the Richter scale. The consequences...

Dry branches and new fruit

A reflection on the readings for March 10, 2024 — The Fourth Sunday of Lent. Today we are celebrating the fourth Sunday of Lent, also known as “Laetare Sunday,” which means “rejoice.” However, here’s a fun fact: even though the...

Lepers in Our Time

If we were to take a time machine and travel to any part of the world, at any time in history, we will see that for that particular period, that particular culture, there is always a minority group that is...

Answering God’s Call

A reflection on the readings for Sunday, January 14, 2024 — The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time We have all seen photos of ourselves when we were younger. Many of us who are younger have even had the opportunity to...

Be Prepared

A reflection on the Readings for Sunday, November 12 — The Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Every time we are going to start something—a new project, a rehearsal, a new chapter—it always requires of us that we prepare properly to...

Cultivating good fruit

A reflection on the Readings for Sunday, October 8 — The Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time A couple days ago, I took some time to visit the classrooms of our parochial school. As you can imagine, there were jokes, laughter,...