Jesus is a king worth following
A reflection on the readings for March 24, 2024 — Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion In the First Book of Kings, Solomon, the Son of David, inherits a kingdom that, under his father’s rule, had been torn apart by...
A reflection on the readings for March 24, 2024 — Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion In the First Book of Kings, Solomon, the Son of David, inherits a kingdom that, under his father’s rule, had been torn apart by...
Many people find the Christian doctrine of Redemption rather difficult to accept. Various questions are typically raised against it. Does God demand suffering in satisfaction for sin? Does God inflict suffering on the innocent? Does the divine mission of Christ...
“The God who is with us, is the God who abandons us.” These words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer are so ironic. The God who is with us, who stands in solidarity with our human realities of pain and suffering, is the...
As we progress through this Holy Week, turning our minds toward the great Paschal Mystery and the Passion of our Lord, I would like to share and reflect upon one of the moments that struck me deeply during the early...
A reflection on the readings for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, April 2, 2023. Jesus’ Galilean ministry has come to an end and the final journey to Jerusalem has been completed. He has preached the words of the Father,...
When I was in high school, I spent a horrible week consumed by doubt that God is a good God. A trusted community member abused a child of a family that I cared about and this abuse caused deep and...
A reflection on the Sunday readings for March 28, 2021 — Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion It is an interesting thing to be asked to offer my first reflection for this website on Palm Sunday, the one Sunday of...
As we progress through this Holy Week, turning our minds toward the great Paschal Mystery and the Passion of our Lord, I would like to share and reflect upon one of the moments that struck me deeply during the early...
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