
Tagged: parable

Have You the Same Attitude?

A reflection on the readings of October 1, 2023 — the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. When available, the audio of this homily will be available here. For three Sundays in a row, including today, we have had a different parable:...

Irritation forms pearls

A reflection on the readings for September 25, 2022 — the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Oysters are ugly, strange-looking little animals. Like so many things throughout the world, they seem like they could be from another planet. But, as you...

Living Wisely

A reflection on the Sunday readings for November 8, 2020  These are not the easiest days for us, both as a nation and as a world. We find ourselves caught up in the mayhem and turmoil of a political contest different...

The Gospel of Peace

This reflection is written against the backdrop of the release of Pope Francis’s third encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,“ on Oct 4, 2020, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The focus of this encyclical is “fraternity” and “social friendship.” In his...