
Tagged: papal primacy

Quick overview on “The Bishop of Rome”

The new document from the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (DPCU), The Bishop of Rome: Primacy and synodality in ecumenical dialogues and responses to the encyclical Ut unum sint, is not light reading. With more than 40,000 words and 151...

Finding orthodox Catholicism

In the summer of 2020, during the long lent of the Covid-19 pandemic, Churches began opening up on a limited basis, and often with strict limitations: mask requirements, building capacity restrictions, social distancing, roped off pews, sign-up sheets. One of...

Dr. Brugger and Papal Authority

On August 4, Catholic World Report published an article by the moral theologian Dr. E. Christian Brugger, entitled, “Pope Francis, contraception, and the problem of ecclesial authority.” In it, Dr. Brugger suggests that recent papal statements imply that Pope Francis...

Holding all the cards

Back in my pre-WPI days, I spent a year or two floating around on Catholic social media defending Pope Francis, explaining Amoris Laetitia, and arguing with radical traditionalists and papal detractors about the development of doctrine, papal primacy, and the...

Saint Peter: First Among the Twelve

On the 2018 Easter Vigil, I became a Catholic Christian. After many years of intense theological debate and challenging my stubbornness to believe, my faith journey finally culminated that evening in our city’s cathedral. As with most converts, one of...

“Whoever succeeds to the Chair of Peter”

Tomorrow, July 18, 2020, marks the 150th Anniversary of the promulgation of the 1870 document Pastor Aeternus, the First Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ. This document formally spelled out the Church’s teaching on the nature of...