
Tagged: Humility

The Humor in Irony

Homily for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Readings). The gospel reading on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Lk 2, 22-40) is really about humility. The word humility comes from the Latin ‘humous’, which means...

Pentecost and the Humility of the Church

Humility keeps one “within his own limits.[1]” In its religious sense, humility marks one’s complete dependence on God. Though not the chief Christian virtue, humility is paramount in discerning one’s place before God and the rest of the world. It...

hope in the crucifixion

Hope Never Disappoints

In his Wednesday General Audience today, April 5, Pope Francis spoke of the hope that arises from the cross, which is a true paradox. He began by asking “Where is your hope?” Do we, accordingly, place it rightly in Christ?...

George Weigel in Gold and Red

What will it take for those who have spent much of the last nine years working to damage the reputation of Pope Francis to admit they were wrong about him and apologize? There have been no limits to the depths...

Mary, Full of Grace

Today was the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, and Pope Francis made a surprise visit to Rome’s Spanish Steps to venerate an outdoor statue of the Blessed Mother. NCR’s Christopher White reports: For two years running, the Vatican has canceled...

We’re All a Little Dense

Can we all admit that we are often far less smart than we think we are? It’s not as much a matter pride or arrogance—although perhaps that’s part of it—but we often lack perspective and wisdom. Surely, we’ve had the...