
Tagged: holy spirit

Motherhood and Fatherhood in God

It was always a lot of fun teaching philosophy and showing students how human reason is able to demonstrate the existence of God, just through deductive reasoning alone, especially Leibniz’ proof: “If the Necessary being is possible, then it exists.”...

Is the Holy Spirit the protagonist of the Synod?

Late last week, in response to Archbishop Christophe Pierre’s address to the US bishops during their Spring assembly, Pillar editor Ed Condon was compelled to write not one, but two articles expressing his frustration with the nuncio’s address. The first...

The Creative Breath of God

A reflection on the readings for May 27, 2023 – Pentecost Sunday. Twice a month, I host a discernment dinner for young men, college-age and older, who are considering a vocation to the priesthood. The men in the group are...

Breaking Our Comfort Zones

A reflection on the readings for Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 2022. In her landmark best-seller, Why Walk When You Can Fly?, Australian author and spiritual teacher, Isha Judd narrates the following short story: Once there was a king who received...

The Pope isn’t Perfect

The contributors to this website are often accused of having an unthinking devotion to Pope Francis, or of blindly agreeing with everything he says. I’ve seen many critics on social media claim that we make excuses and twist ourselves into...

Wednesdays with Pope Francis: The Church

In this catechesis series, Pope Francis teaches us about the Church. This is the third course in the “Wednesdays with Pope Francis” series. The first course was on the sacraments. The second course was on the gifts of the Holy...

The Motherhood of God

“The Breasts of His Own Tender Love” Motherhood needs a cultural reboot. Perhaps no institution is as roundly mocked, belittled, and discounted as motherhood. Our society neglects mothers and discards them when it finds them burdensome. There’s an urgent need...