
Tagged: Friendship with Jesus

I No Longer Call You Servant

I work with homeless and at-risk youth.  I’ve been doing it for 42 years, the first few decades in or around New York City but for the last 20 years in Vermont.  I’m an executive director, a role which entails...

Thirsting for Love

A reflection on the readings for March 12, 2023, the Third Sunday of Lent. “Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be thirsty…”  Jesus was not afraid to break through cultural boundaries in order to bring the...

Jesus, Our Friend

A reflection on the readings of May 9, 2021 — the Sixth Sunday of Easter What is your image of God? Some people see God as a distant being who governs the universe from afar—an untouchable, unapproachable God. Others see...