
Tagged: fasting

Dry branches and new fruit

A reflection on the readings for March 10, 2024 — The Fourth Sunday of Lent. Today we are celebrating the fourth Sunday of Lent, also known as “Laetare Sunday,” which means “rejoice.” However, here’s a fun fact: even though the...

The Fast That Pleases God

Are you wondering what to fast from this Lent – sweets? alcohol, or just simply eating less? This kind of fasting has its place, but if you truly want to discover what fasting is especially meant to achieve, that is,...

Lent, Fasting, and Tradition

Anthony (not his real game) was the fifth child in a family of seven kids, with the eighth on the way. He was extroverted, bright, and imaginative. At “meet the teacher night,” his mother warned me that this second grader...