
Tagged: Donum Veritatis

Always with the Pope

A reflection on fidelity to the teaching of Peter’s successor in times of controversy and questioning Introduction: The pain of a father being hurt It has been very painful to witness in recent weeks numerous attacks, criticisms and suspicions against...

Disagreeing with the Church

What do you do when you find yourself in disagreement with a Church teaching or objecting to a discipline that the Church legitimately imposes? Many Catholics find themselves in this place at some point in their life of faith. Some...

The State of Social Media Theology

Aristotle opened Metaphysics with a simple statement: “All men by nature desire to know.” 2,500 years later, the question we face today–in a culture where we are continuously bombarded with information–is whether this desire can be tempered and directed toward...

Memory of a Promise

The Christian is one in whom the past and future meet in the present and unfold into a new vision, a new life. In Advent, especially, the Church invites us to reconsider our lives as the intersection of our history...

sentire cum ecclesia

Do you believe everything the Church teaches? But do you really?   When candidates make their profession at the Easter Vigil, they are asked, “Do you believe and profess all that the holy Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to...