Tagged: divorce and remarriage
There is often a double standard in many Catholic spaces in how gay and straight Catholics are perceived to engage in sexual sin. Many commentators seem to treat being or identifying as gay as being inherently unchaste or as presenting...
When Pope Francis promulgated the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia in 2016, much of its teaching was widely ignored in favor of what would become years of arguing over a single footnote that potentially opens the sacraments to some Catholics who...
In yesterday’s post, I explored the hostile responses from many of Pope Francis’s critics over his ecumenical gestures towards Christians outside of full communion with the Catholic Church, and how the outcry compares to their acceptance of similar gestures —...
Veritatis Splendor has always been the favorite encyclical of those who are unhappy with the theological direction of Pope Francis. It is their source of authority for their condemnations of Amoris Laetitia especially. In one recent example, E. Christian Brugger pits...
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