Pope Benedict XVI: Cooperator with truth
Today, my heart is heavy. It is heavy, because one person close to my heart has died – and along with him, a piece of my life story. Besides my blood relatives and God the Father, this man was the...
Today, my heart is heavy. It is heavy, because one person close to my heart has died – and along with him, a piece of my life story. Besides my blood relatives and God the Father, this man was the...
Authentic dialogue depends on asking and answering good questions. It is often hard to distinguish good questions from bad ones, however. Luke’s Gospel records two seemingly similar questions in response to angelic messages. When Zechariah was told that his wife...
Yesterday, Adam Rasmussen and I joined my friend Josh Moldiz on the Holy Ruckus podcast to discuss the who, what, and why of Pope Francis’s motu proprio Traditionis Custodes restricting permission to use the Pre-Vatican II Roman Missal.
In the debate over the doctrinal soundness of Amoris Laetitia — and of the orthodoxy of Pope Francis’s teaching in general — is one area where papal critics cannot provide a single clear or compelling answer: how this ends. While...
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