
Tagged: Creation

Marriage as a Work of Beauty

I’m an amateur artist. I love color, and I’ve always appreciated talented artists and their work. Sadly, I’m not a talented artist myself, nor have I been formally trained. The reason I paint is that my spiritual director, in the...

The Eschatological Foundations of Social Justice

Catholicism has always considered creation to be the place of God’s saving activity, but the Church’s eschatological vision has often focused on an otherworldly destiny that forgets the importance of this world. This otherworldly escapism still lingers in some Christian...

The Necessity of Art

“In order to communicate the message entrusted to her by Christ, the Church needs art. Art must make perceptible, as far as possible attractive, the world of the spirit, of the indivisible, of God. It must therefore translate into meaningful...

We Are All Penguins and Lobsters

God’s continuous act of separation occurs in the so-called first creation account of Genesis (Gen 1:1–2:3): light from darkness, water from water, water from land. This act of separation provides form to the formless, and as creation proceeds so too...

Christ is present in creation, Cardinal Burke

Cardinal Raymond Burke, the titular head of the online resistance to Pope Francis, has given an interview about Querida Amazonia. It contains several eyebrow-raising lines, but what really stands out is his denial of Christ’s presence in creation. His eminence...