Tagged: Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Credo: A Compendium of the Catholic Faith by Bishop Athanasius Schneider is promoted by its publisher, Sophia Institute Press, as offering “a clear and readable summary of Catholicism as a whole, given in the pastoral style of the apostles.” The marketing...
In the latest episode of The Debrief, Dominic and I discuss Pope Francis’s new exhortation on St. Therese, we briefly talk about the Synod, and then we take a look at the problematic content of the new book Credo by...
On Saturday, I made an update to my post about Bishop Joseph Strickland’s public rejection of Pope Francis’s “program of undermining the Deposit of Faith,” noting that he subsequently tweeted, “In these troubling times with so much confusion even from...
Imagine if the pope extended an invitation to all the Catholics of the world and invited them to share their thoughts about the Church. Let’s imagine they were given a forum to speak about what they saw as the Church’s...
Throughout his papacy, traditionalist critics of Pope Francis have accused him of sowing confusion among the faithful or even of teaching heresy. Perhaps most famously, in 2016 four cardinals submitted five dubia, or questions seeking clarification, regarding Francis’s apostolic exhortation...
A group of Catholic scholars, writers, and clerics—including four bishops—recently issued a statement claiming that Pope Francis contradicts the teaching of the Council of Trent in no. 5 of his June 29, 2022 apostolic letter, Desiderio Desideravi. The authors of...
The primary reason for Pope Francis’s trip to Kazakhstan this week was to attend the VII Congress Of the Leaders Of World And Traditional Religions. During his address on Wednesday, September 14, the pope spoke forcefully about the principle of...
As the rate of Covid cases and deaths has risen in North America over the past two months due to a surge caused by the Delta variant, different groups of Catholics seem to hold diametrically opposed views of how to...
In a recent interview with the National Catholic Register, Cardinal Raymond Burke once again criticizes an apostolic exhortation from Pope Francis. Querida Amazonia, the result of the most recent synod on the Amazon, summarizes Pope Francis’s vision of the Amazonian...
On Tuesday, September 24, Edward Pentin’s blog at the National Catholic Register published a joint statement written by Cardinal Raymond Burke and his close ally in the episcopate, Athanasius Schneider, the Auxiliary Bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan. The statement insisted on...
It seems that hardly a week goes by without another bold intervention into the affairs of the Church by one of the disaffected members of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, usually delivered via channels like the National Catholic Register or LifeSite and...
“In man’s present situation, the dialogue of religions is a necessary condition for peace in the world and it is therefore a duty for Christians as well as other religious communities. This dialogue of religions has various dimensions (…) Even...
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