
Tagged: antisemitism

USCCB and AJC Release Antisemitism Resource

Last week, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) released Translate Hate: The Catholic Edition, a document that seeks to promote awareness of antisemitism and to equip Catholics to address it effectively within their...

Hope is fooled

One of the more bizarre Catholic news stories of the past week has been that of Hope Is Fuel and its constantly fluctuating roster of participants in the days leading up to its launch on May 24. Described on its...

The Godfather of Reactionary Priests

Today’s lineup of outspoken reactionary US Catholics priests with extremist, conspiratorial, and inflammatory messages (examples include Frs. Altman, Nix, Heilman, Pavone, Zuhlsdorf, Murray, Ripperger, Msgr. George Rutler, and Bishop Joseph Strickland), as well as their even more bombastic lay counterparts...

What did Pope Francis say about the Law?

Reuters recently reported that some Israeli rabbis had written the Vatican to express their “distress” about one line from Pope Francis’s recent addresses on Galatians: “The Law, however, does not give life.” According to Reuters, the rabbis worry that this...