There is a crisis in Catholicism that is only getting worse, and it is marked by a lack of critical thinking and a disrespect for the actual or empirical truth. Post-truth Catholicism is as much of a threat as the Catholic Modernism of old, but it is sometimes difficult to recognize when it hides under the cover of an external piety or religiosity. This show will provide a forum through which we can all receive a healthy dose of critical thinking, so that we can better navigate the world of Catholic media and culture, as well as the media world at large.
We’ll look at some of the most important stories and theories that are occupying the minds of Catholics, and draw upon the teaching of the Church, the wisdom of Pope Francis, and a healthy skepticism toward the kinds of wild stories and claims that are all too common on social media.
We invite you to join us. In the meantime, you can listen to this warmup conversation that Mike and I had regarding the Critical Catholic and some relevant topics.
We have also uploaded a second video, exclusively for our patrons on our Patreon page.
Image: By Tyler Merbler from USA – DSC09523-2, CC BY 2.0,
D.W. Lafferty, PhD, is a Catholic husband, dad, and independent scholar from Ontario, Canada. He works in higher education and has published articles on the literature of Wyndham Lewis, the conspiracy theory of Douglas Reed, and the life and legacy of Engelbert Dollfuss. Online, he tweets as @rightscholar.
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