
Tagged: faith

Find Yourself a Faith

I have little use for the British royalty.  I really don’t.  I could care less who is in line for what role, and who is feuding with whom.  It’s hard for me to believe that the British Parliament forks over...

Pope to new doctrine chief: Keep the faith

In his letter accompanying the appointment of Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Pope Francis invites his new Prefect to focus on the “main purpose” of the Dicastery: “keeping the faith.” These are...

Thirsting for Love

A reflection on the readings for March 12, 2023, the Third Sunday of Lent. “Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be thirsty…”  Jesus was not afraid to break through cultural boundaries in order to bring the...

Any bit of contrition

Always lost for words, I never knew what to say to God as I tried to focus my attention on him at Sunday Mass. I admit that I did not always find Mass interesting. I attended every week mostly out...

Lord, Increase Our Faith

A scripture reflection for October 2, 2022, the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time. You may remember “The Secret Life of Mother Teresa,” the September 3, 2007 Time Magazine cover story about St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Journalist David Van Biema...

Blessed John Paul I’s Letter to Jesus

Editor’s Note: Today’s beatification of Pope John Paul I came up on me quickly. Earlier this year, I planned to write an apologia in favor of his cause for canonization, in response to critics who say that too many popes...

A faith built upon the love of God

Early in the pontificate of Pope Francis I was, generally speaking, what could be called a “Francis skeptic.” To be honest I didn’t pay that much attention to him at first. As the father of three little kids, I primarily...