This is the Christ, this is the prince, this is the true and one God who founded and established the Holy Apostolic See and gave it primacy over all peoples and all realms. This is the fountain and origin of all offices (…) This is the place which the Lord chose. Here is the High Priest who must be obeyed, on pain of death. To this See has been entrusted the first and supreme power, for it has the charge of feeding the sheep as well as the authority to judge. Anyone who rejects its teachings and corrections must be be considered a pagan and a publican. Anyone who dares to put restrictions on the authority of the Roman Pontiff is impious and damned. Anyone who refuses to recognize the Roman Church as his mother does not have God as his father.
Such is undoubtedly the case of anyone who issues a law denying the Roman Pontiff the right to make commands concerning anything in his kingdom or who has ordered that the pope’s commands should have no validity there. And who would you be, man, who did this? Where is your authority to do it? Offer testimony from the Holy Book, if you can. Is that a way to live according to the Gospel? Absolutely not. For in the Gospel Christ says to Peter: And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon the earth, it shall be bound also in Heaven. And you would say to the pope, the successor of Peter: “Do not bind this, do not loose that!”! (…) But even if you believe the Bishop of Rome to be in error, that does not give you the right to judge him, for only God can judge the pope. No mortal man may accuse him of faults. Oh, how wrong is the opinion of many men (…) [They] are unconcerned that the Holy Apostolic See has from Saint Peter to this day never been heard to teach anything that is contrary to orthodox faith. This privilege it has received from the Lord that it shall never succumb to wrong teachings for the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. Let this suffice concerning your praise of the Apostolic See”
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