
Tagged: violence

A Prayer for Afghanistan

Within the past twenty-four hours, Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, has fallen to the militant Islamist theocratic group the Taliban amidst the ongoing withdrawal of US forces from that country. The US overthrew a previous Taliban-led government in 2001 and...

Another Viganò Wake-Up Call

Archbishop Viganò’s latest missive—an “Open Letter to Confused Priests,” published on The Remnant—is ostensibly about the general “problem of a perverted authority” in the Church and society, and whether one may reject the teaching of the CDF and the pope regarding...

The Gospel of Peace

This reflection is written against the backdrop of the release of Pope Francis’s third encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,“ on Oct 4, 2020, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. The focus of this encyclical is “fraternity” and “social friendship.” In his...