
Tagged: Vatican II

Cardinal Cupich, Synodality, and Prophets of Doom

In my article yesterday, I discussed Pope Francis’s response to a reporter’s question about the ideology-driven rhetoric of anti-synod malcontents like Cardinal Raymond Burke and the Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) movement. Sadly, he gave an example of an all-too-common...

Pentecost and the Humility of the Church

Humility keeps one “within his own limits.[1]” In its religious sense, humility marks one’s complete dependence on God. Though not the chief Christian virtue, humility is paramount in discerning one’s place before God and the rest of the world. It...

Theological Change and the Reform of the Mass

On Sunday, March 19, BBC Radio broadcast a story featuring Cardinal Arthur Roche, the Vatican’s Prefect for the Dicastery of Divine Worship. The topic of the segment, which also included comments by papal biographer Austen Ivereigh and several traditionalist Catholics,...