Tagged: Vatican II Liturgy
Today over at the PrayTell blog, Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago has written an article explaining why Traditionis Custodes—Pope Francis’s recent document abrogating Pope Benedict’s 2007 decision to liberalize use of the pre-Vatican II Missal—is a gift to the Church. He...
Recently Pope Francis gave a video address to the fourth World Meeting of Popular Movements (EMMP), a primarily but not exclusively Latin American coming-together of social and political activists against poverty and inequality. Francis made a positive reference to the...
A particular theme stood out among the comments on my recent article. Some critics claimed that the Vatican II liturgy downplayed sacrificial symbolism in the liturgy in favor of meal symbolism, and so is inferior to the older forms of...
“It seems as though we aren’t even part of the same religion.” Sometimes saying a thing enough times does make it true, and in his public response to Traditionis Custodes in a New York Times op-ed, Michael Brendan Dougherty makes...
The dust is settling a little after Pope Francis’s Traditionis Custodes. This is not to say that the matter is over. Rather, we await the process of implementation with uncertainty about how bishops will apply the Motu proprio and how...
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