
Tagged: vaccine

Pope Francis and the COVID-19 fake news “infodemic”

Pope Francis, in an address this morning to participants in the meeting promoted by the International Consortium of Catholic Media “Catholic fact-checking,” spoke out strongly against spreading misinformation and false science about the Covid-19 pandemic and the vaccine. He spoke...

The Church and the Covid Culture Wars

As the rate of Covid cases and deaths has risen in North America over the past two months due to a surge caused by the Delta variant, different groups of Catholics seem to hold diametrically opposed views of how to...

Discussion: The Covid-19 Vaccine is Pro-Life

In case you missed it, here is the replay of this afternoon’s extremely helpful live panel discussion about the COVID-19 vaccine from a Catholic perspective, moderated by New York Times best-selling author and Catholic speaker Jeannie Gaffigan. To read why Jeannie...

Pope Francis: Vaccination Is an Act of Love

Thanks to God’s grace and to the work of many, we now have vaccines to protect us from COVID-19. Last week, Pope Francis headlined an Ad Council public service announcement for the coronavirus vaccine, titled “Unity Across the Americas.” Designed...

Vaccine Equity is a Human Right

Pope Francis has repeatedly insisted that the countries manufacturing Covid-19 vaccines (such as the U.S. and U.K.) ensure they be equitably distributed, especially to the Global South. During his historic trip to Iraq, he said that “This crisis calls for...