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Followers of the Imagisterium

The Magisterium is the teaching office of the Church. According to the Catechism (#100), “The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to...

Pope Francis and Flying Plates

In his Sunday Angelus this week, Pope Francis returned to a topic that he’s discussed many times, one that hasn’t received as much attention as more “controversial” subjects related to doctrine and moral theology, but is central to his papacy...

Links of interest (Dec 23rd – 29th)

Christmas time has arrived! Therefore, Pope Francis addressed his flock in the traditional papal blessing Urbi et Orbi. “What does that Child, born for us of the Virgin Mary, have to tell us? What is the universal message of Christmas?...

Links of interest (week Dec 16-22)

In a speech to the Curia, Pope Francis issues strong words against those in the Church involved in the sexual abuses scandals, in preparation for the universal meeting in February on the same topic: “Let it be clear that before...

Links of interest (week Dec 9 – 15)

Pope Francis sent a message to the participants in the International Conference “Human Rights in the Contemporary World: conquests, omissions negations“. In this message, the pontiff invokes several groups of human beings deprived of their basic human rights, namely the...

Links of interest (week Dec 2 – 8)

Pope Francis kicks off the Advent season, by also kicking off a campaign from the charitable foundation Aid to the Church in Need: the “Candle for Peace in Syria” initiative. Said the Pope: “May these flames of hope dispel the darkness...

Links of interest (week Nov 25 – Dec 1)

Some dissenters have tried to wiggle their way out of obedience to Pope Francis, by arguing that Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid and, therefore, the latter is actually the legitimate pontiff. Mark Mallet wrote a thorough and interesting refutation of that...

A Church at odds over Viganò’s “core charges”

As the drama of the Viganò testimony continues, two competing interpretations have developed regarding whether Viganò’s most important accusations have been discredited or substantiated. Since the initial document was released on August 22, Viganò has released two additional “testimonies,” and...