
Tagged: spirituality

Rising from Ashes

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our Lenten journey, when we enter into the solemn season of Lent and arm ourselves with the transformative practices of fasting, prayer and almsgiving in order to be one with our Lord Jesus in...

Ordinary Holiness

A reflection on the scripture readings for January 15, 2023, the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Last Sunday, on the Feast of Epiphany, we reflected on the star that led the magi. I once preached on the Epiphany that in...

Prepare our hearts

A reflection on the readings for June 19, 2022, The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ “Why can’t I change after all these years? Why can’t I change my ways? I find it so strange after all...

Claiming Your Faith In A Broken Church

On Tuesday of next week, February 22, 2022, I will be taking part in an online event sponsored by the Cenacle Sisters and moderated by Mark Piper, their director for Ministry and Mission Advancement. I will be joined on the...

Rules, Rules, Rules

Rules, rules, rules. I’m a rule follower in general. During my school days, I wasn’t on a first name basis with the principal. I never got infractions or served detention. Rules just made sense to me. They set expectations and...